Dental Implants
Are you looking for a great-looking, long-lasting tooth replacement solution? If so, look no further than dental implants! These artificial teeth can improve your dental health, boost your appearance, strengthen your bite, and much more.
To learn if dental implants are right for you, contact Markiewicz Dental today! We’d happily schedule a consultation with our skilled and caring team. Choose us for the best dental implants in Mundelein, IL!
What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are oral appliances used to replace teeth. They consist of metal screws, abutments, and dental crowns. You may choose a dental implant if you have severe tooth decay, a root fracture, gum disease, or a dental injury. Dental implants can improve dental health, improve appearance, enhance chewing abilities, and much more!
Keep in mind dental implants aren’t for everyone. It’s important to visit your dentist to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.
Dental Implant Procedure: What to Expect
After you’ve been cleared for the treatment, the first step involves receiving anesthesia. This allows you to feel comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. You may also receive sedatives if available.
Once you can’t feel any pain, your provider will make an incision in your gums, which is where the implant will be placed. The dentist will then open your jawbone to fit the implant. Next, the implant is placed in the opening, and the provider checks for a proper fit. Once everything looks good, the dentist will reposition your gums before closing the incision with stitches. The process is now complete!
Remember that you’ll most likely need to wait a few months between appointments until the final restoration can be finished. This is to allow your jawbone to grow around the implant. During this time, you’ll typically wear a temporary restoration. While this process is common, it isn’t the same for everyone. In fact, some people receive their implants and final restorations all in one office visit. Whatever the case may be, dental implants can drastically change your life for the better! No matter when your dental implant is finished, you’ll be left with a gorgeous artificial tooth that looks and feels like the real thing!
Trusted Dental Implants in Mundelein, IL
If you’ve ever dealt with a serious dental issue, you know how stressful it can be. With the help of dental implants, you can say goodbye to those worries! Dental implants can restore your smile’s health while providing a long-lasting, great-looking restoration.
To learn more about dental implants, contact Markiewicz Dental today!